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Solve the Person

We often judge the persons.There are so many peoples whom we see everyday. Each of them leads an image of life. Everyone has something which can change us but we lose them by judging them. Peoples are like a questions of puzzle. Few of them are solved by us and most of them are unsolved and their secret remains as it is. 

It is an art to understand the person. even our enemy also has something special for us but our way of thinking about him become a barrier. we can't solve him. Imagine that what will happen if we solve all the questions of puzzle. we will be a brilliant one. But if we starting to solve the life which we see,we will not only the brilliant one but become more stronger to resist the struggle. we get something new which can change us.

Everyone like to be changed because all live a life but no one is happy with the way what he is living. everyone wants something new, something better which can give a sweet smile to his heart. Our mind always wants something more. we can only understand the theory of saturation but can't apply it on our life. Even a cup of tea will be saturated but a person can't !!! In the sea also we are finding the diamonds. Yes we require the things but up to certain limit. But no one can find its limit and expanded its needs. 

I think to achieve more than your needs gives not only pleasure to you but also give an ego as a gift. Most of the people changes when their life changes. But it is required that they remember the humanity. Sometimes persons and relations are also more important than money. There is a very big gap between to walk alone and  to walk together. As you go higher you, As your every need converts into reality. the value of human goes down in your calculations. but in reality the relations keeps human alive.

Money is only the fuel to move forward. The real life is we and ours. Never try to judge or compare the person. Every one has his own luck and life. Someone gets first. Someone get last. But everyone gets the gifts from life. Have you ever seen the star?? There are few ones who can't see a dream to go there. Let's try to see the situation over there. Stars also see us. They are also want to meet us. They want to live a life like us. We both can't do that.

To get the life is also a very big achievement. We are already winners. It is only required that we walk on the path of our own. It may be possible that destination comes late but it will surely come. The reason is only that you created it and a person's faith on himself never be wrong. every one knows that what he can do. Then why to see the dreams only ?? Try to act. Struggle will be difficult but not impossible. If you will put your best success surely comes. The problem with unsuccessful people is only that they can't convert their passion into their carrier. If you want success than make your passion stronger and to convert your carrier into it otherwise a small job of 10,000 is also enough to fill your hunger.


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