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Showing posts from December, 2016

Let's Start

With a deep breath comes a bundle of thoughts with Curiosity -inducing images of events that led to that particular moment. The moment you wish to forget. From these images arise new questions - every question holding a chapter in itself, each one of which could have changed the whole story. Minute details that could have brought big changes. But we were obviously busy looking at the bigger, more tempting things that we overlooked these small, seemingly trivial signs that upon noticing could have led to a better life. Those signs, like everything else in the world, have a reason to come before us. They're there so that we can notice them in time and act accordingly. But even the smartest of people sometimes tend to miss these the details, being busy enjoying flowing with the moment.   Unfortunately, we are never really educated about detecting these signs that are actually all around us! Being a well-civilized, educated person, reading such vital signs is a