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Compromise for happiness

Children are compared with the god..we all like babies..their sweetness can easily attract anyone..whenever we see a baby our eyes are attracted towards his beauty..our childhood is only the time when we are all time happy..everyone wants to go back in his childhood..we are happy in our childhood because we can easily compromise with our mind..we are hungry to achieve that all what we see..if we can't achieve than our parents are divert us in any other thing and we forget what we want and focus on other one..why??because we compromise with our own..we tell us that what if we can't achieve that one..this another one is ready for me..i try on this one..have you ever seen that a baby is crying for achieve a single thing?Yes,he try his best to achieve it but if he can't he never cry..he will divert himself to any other one..this simple logic makes him happy forever..But a person is crying to achieve a single thing..As our age increases our power of compromising decreases..A little child can be happy with the simple compromise but an aged person can't..I also agree that sometimes we have to focus only on our goal and try to achieve it but there is proper time to focus and achieve our goal.. If you crossed your age of 40 and than also crying for your goal than you are cutting your trees of happiness with your own hand..expecting success there are so many little things in our life which makes us unhappy..if we try to compromise in such a things we can easily make a sorrow less life. we all know that no one can achieve all his desires.. but than also we are always waiting for a new is very interesting that if a person is very rich and successful than also he need more and more..If you can be happy with a simple compromise with your own than why the wasting of our life in the tension of more and more??There was a two of them is very intelligent and another one was average student..both want to earn more and more and be a successful..when their graduation is completed both were selected in placement and gain a job in different companies..after so many years they meet in an occasion of Reunion in their college.. the average student was very happy and looking satisfied with his work..that brilliant one asked him about his salary..He was shocked that his friend was earning only ten thousand in a month but still he was happy and he was earning more than his friend but he was need more and more and be a the tension of his richness his present can't see his success..That brilliant one asked his friend that how you are happy with this limited salary?? i am earning more than you still i am in the tension of future..That student told his friend that a smile on our face is more precious than money..what if we can't earn more??If god give me enough to smile,why i spoil a life of my family?? My smile is a reason to smile for my family..I never want to make them unhappy and so i am happy.. At that time that brilliant one compromise with his own and his life is converted into the golden time in which he can see a smile on the faces of his family..This simple decision can change your way to live and make you happy..Our so many smiles are hidden behind our imagination of future..Try to compromise and give a chance to your life that he makes your present happier..Never lost a single of that smile otherwise your happiest present will be converted into a price less past..It is better to call the hidden rain of smiles from the atmosphere and be cool and happy other than being hot and rigid with the sun of success..because only few persons can smile in the conditions in which one hand is coolest and one hand is hottest..The choice is yours..


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